
I had a group of coral tulips in the house that had passed beyond the peak of their beauty….so I took them outside and tossed them over the deck railing. I looked at them where they’d fallen and saw another kind of beauty, the fragility of the curling petals, the heart-wrenching delicacy of flowers on their way out. I gathered them up and did a series of composed shots on the weathered deck boards; this is one of my favorites.

There is beauty in every stage of the growing and fading process, even in humans. Learn to look beyond what society tells us is beautiful and find your own definition. You will see so much more with a wider field of vision!

Love and blessings to you all, today and always. 🙂

It’s Almost Christmas…..

Where has the year gone? Here we are, on the eve of Christmas Eve….so I want to take this opportunity to wish all of you and those you love a Merry Christmas, filled with delicious treats, laughter, and precious memories long after the wrapping paper and ribbons have been discarded and the cats and kids are playing with the boxes. May 2017 bring you abundant blessings, health, happiness, and prosperity! When I pause to be thankful, you are all among those I consider unexpected gifts.

Thank you, from the heart, for following my page. ❤ xo



Life is about balance–searching for it, finding it, trying to hold on to it (often too tightly, and other times, by our fingertips). Losing it. Starting over. It’s a life long process, with hiccups along the way. And as we learn and grow, the way we define ‘balance’ keeps shifting.

We’re all on the same journey, each traveling the path that calls to us. Sometimes we feel overwhelmed. There’s comfort in knowing we’re not alone. That our experience isn’t unique, just uniquely ours. There are sisters and brothers walking beside us, caring souls who will steady us when we falter. Offer a hand, a shoulder, words of wisdom and encouragement. Who will carry us for a while, if need be. You only have to open your eyes and your heart to find them…and then have the courage and humility to ask for help. As someone much wiser than all of us put it, ‘Ask, and you will receive.’

Wherever you are on your journey toward balance, I send you blessings, love, and light. xo


A Word About Criticism….

When times are tough it’s helpful to remember that most of the people who criticize what we do are those who wouldn’t expend the energy to try. Don’t fall into the trap of believing them, of allowing them to damage your vision. Rather, remain steadfastly rooted in the knowledge of who you are and what you do.

Thinking It Over, Watermark                  AM Hummers  AUG 15 2016 002

Summer Flowers…..

Here’s to the flowers of Summer with their brilliant, extravagant blooms! They light my garden like colorful fireworks, their saucy faces turned up to the sun.

There is beauty in every new day, if one is open to it. My hope for you, today, is that you might seek–and find–the beauty that is waiting for you to discover it.

16 Images, Consider The Lilies

Checking In…..

These images are a collage comprised of shots taken on the 4th (the old barn, the tin heart) and shots from the archives. They go well together and provide a look back at our American history, those things our country was built upon–honesty, hard work, and good, solid, old-fashioned values.

For those of you that celebrated the 4th, I hope you had a safe and wonderful day, with family and friends.

Here’s to Summer!

4 Images, Americana, Quilt Pic, Sat-40, Watermark             Ribbet collage